About Office For International Affairs (OFIA)
The Office For International Affairs (OFIA) is setup to facilitate mutual benefit of interntional collaboration, academic exchange and global visibility. It is setup for the collaboration with some of the best institutions around the world and establish links with the universities and institutes in Asia, Europe, Africa and other parts of the world.It plays an important role in liaising with various internal departments to facilitate students exchange,faculty exchange and staff exchange. The main intention of OFIA is to engage partner and open international branches in association with international consortium.

Rakesh Kumar Sthapak
Foreign Officer & Trustee
We have been overwhelmed by the interest from the national students for international exposure which proves that we can create a platform for the students with international environment.
With customized study programmes, we can achieve desired results.
The incoming and outgoing students exchange programme, field placement and joint research with international students would give holistic exposure to the students on international platform which is need for the hour.

Dr. Amit Yadav
Foreign Officer
OFIA plays vital role in contributing towards enhancing bilateral relationship.
OFIA increases the scope of study in India and abroad by linking students, individual and research.
We handle delegation to and from foreign universities or potential partner for academic and research collaboration.
The collaboration aims to offer and explore possibilities of joint courses, online degree, super degree and other programmes which shows that we are creating and welcoming an integrated international environment.
About Office For International Affairs (OFIA)
Facilitate and enhance the global visibility and profile of SVNU.
Develop, coordinate and strengthen international linkages.
Facilitate, assist and help international students in all their academic pursuits.
Provide a base to assist International and Indian scholars for career advancement and contribute towards enhancing bilateral relations.
Opening and maintaining International University.
Management of Student Exchange programmes.
Management of Super Degree programme.
Management of Teacher Exchange programmes.
Management of Training and Information Exchange programmes.